Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lovers Day

I haven't posted in forever. My life has been taken over by Pinterest and work. I've been meaning to throw these pictures in a blog for about a month now. Without further ado ... my Valentines Day celebration of our engagement on February 13th decorations. 

The wreath I made for our front door

Hanging hearts made out of paint chips

Decorations above the entertainment center

Tuesday, January 31, 2012



Today as I was driving on my lunch this song came on. It is such a great song.

What is the real irony?

It actually did rain on my wedding day. Apparently you aren't even safe in July.

But it was still a beautiful day :)

Monday, January 9, 2012

All Grown Up

Being an adult is an interesting thing. My perspective on life has changed so much in the past few years.

My dear friend, Carol, shared a profound thought with me on Thursday.

We are a product of our upbringing and environment. But, as adults we ultimately get to decide if what we learned is what we want to believe. If not, we get to form our own opinions, and these opinions will dictate our future.

This made an immediate impression on me, but I had no idea how that thought would help me through the following evening. I'm not posting this to expose my family drama. That wouldn't be productive by any means. I just simply want to vent my thoughts and feelings in hope that it will help me cope with the situation. Sometimes when my brain is running 100 miles per hour, the only way to slow it down is to write.

Taking responsibility for your emotions is easier said than done, but this is exactly what I intent to do. Last night a felt a level of betrayal and pain that I have never felt before. I am proud of how I controlled my anger in the heat of the moment. (Although if I'm not screaming and yelling, my anger comes out in the form of tears. After 15 hours and my eyes were still swollen, even after icing.)

As I worked through the aftermath, I read that thought from Carol over and over.  I am a very analytical human,  I mean - that is what I get paid to do for goodness sake. I always try to find logic and reasoning in my emotions, especially when they are extreme.

I decided to give myself permission to be angry. I don't have to justify or explain it. I am going to allow myself to feel my emotions, and not feel guilty for it. And with that, I am prepared to take responsibility for the consequences.

As adults we are able to make choices that can, and will, effect those closest to us. Even if these choices are made with good intentions, the result can be devastating.  I still remember the first time I learned my parents are human, and make mistakes. That is such a hard lesson to learn. Our entire childhood we are taught that "mom and dad are always right" or that we have to obey what they tell us to do. When they are exposed as human it feels like the whole foundation your life has been built around is falling apart.

As the dust settles and life returns to "normal" I'll hold on to the opinions and beliefs I've chosen.  I'll allow my self to feel hurt and sad. Then I'll accept it, and work on forgiving. I won't let the choices that other make determine who I am.  I'll focus on what I can control … me.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune--without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

Although Emily Dickinson is not one of my favorite poets, this poem has been running through my mind the past month. For some reason these few stanzas that I read in high school creeped into the back of my head and won't go away.Oddly enough, I'm not complaining. Hope has been the one thing I've been able to hold on to through anything, and I've needed it the past few weeks.

Life has been crazy. I am so lucky to have TWO amazing jobs in this economy, but to say it is overwhelming is an understatement. I've always been a perfectionist who does everything 110%. But, throw an extra job in there and I feel like I'm running around with my head chopped off because there are not enough hours in the day to do everything. The dishes usually aren't done. The laundry is all over the floor. And, the mail is stacking up on the counter. My amazing mother-in-law brought me a gallon of milk and I wanted to cry tears of gratitude because I hadn't been to the grocery store in a week. 

There have been a few times when the stress comes out in the form of tears (thanks for that mom!). I just hold on to the thought of that thing with feathers that perches in the soul. I like birds well enough, but even better than that is my new (not so) tiny (anymore) kitten, Pi.He is usually sweet and adorable.

How can you not love a face like that?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baby Shoes

Okay so I magically found some time to finish some shoes for the start of my Etsy store. It may be a while until I finally get around to creating my account so here is a peak and what I've been up to.

You can click on the pictures to see a larger view.

These are my favorite :)

Monday, September 26, 2011

September Wrap Up

I have been really horrible at this blogging thing. But, in all fairness I am working about 60 hours a week between the two jobs. Yes, I said two :) I got an amazing job at C R England as a business analyst. This is a dream job, but on top of working for the University it has proven to be a little stressful. So between the two jobs, a little family drama and trying to be a supporting wife for a law student I've lost my free time for sewing. Amazingly, I've started to work on opening an Etsy account so I can try and sell some of my creations. Yeah, it hasn't happened yet but it is a fun idea. Someday.

I thought I knew how if felt to be busy, because I have been before but this gives me a whole new respect for single moms that work full time and still go to school. I don't know how anyone does that!!!

Please forgive me if there aren't many post between now and the end of October. I feel like I'm the first two miles into a  marathon and I'm not slowing down yet... unfortunately. This girl could use a nap.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Punkin and Pi

I've blogged about my cat, Punkin, quite a bit. I've had him for four years and I love that cat. Recently I've had a hard time with wanting to start a family. Its just not the right time yet for us yet. I was able to convince Dan to let me get a baby kitten. I cannot tell you how much we love this little guy.

He is the sweetest little thing I've ever met.

He loves to sit on my lap all day long while I work.

It took some time for the two of them to get along, but now they are best friends. Punkin and Pi

And I love them. I'll apologize in advance for being the crazy old lady who blogs about her cats because she don't have children. But that being said, I'm not sorry. 