Thursday, August 19, 2010

Unpacking, unpacking, cleaning - and unpacking.

The past few days in Moscow have been busy with you guessed it, unpacking, cleaning and some more unpacking. 

While it has been a bit overwhelming, the big stuff like the kitchen and living room are done. It makes a world of difference for when you need a spoon to just open the drawer and see it there vs. searching though 20 boxes. 

Yesterday was a particularly hard day for me. It was the kind of day that was out of sorts from the time I woke up until I went to bed. Its hard being in such a small town with no friends and family. I know that once school starts, that it will get easier. 

I'm so glad that we brought Punkin with us. I know a lot of people aren't pet people, and thats okay. For me it just makes the world of difference to have someone here during the day that needs me, can make me laugh, and is waiting at the door every time you come home. My cat has more personality in his tail that some people have in their entire body. It has been so amazing to see how Dan is interacting with him as well. Dan is someone that doesn't consider himself to be a 'pet person' and he is also allergic to cats. Regardless, Dan can't help but to be amused with this miniature tiger that is flipping over a straw to try to get it out of a corner. 

Speaking of Dan his school is going well. I've been able to attend a few events with him. On Monday night they held a reception - honestly - pretty boring, but it was fun to be able to be a part of it with him. Last night they held what they called a 'Partner Panel' where second and third year couples talked about what to expect with a spouse in law school. Pretty much exactly what I had heard so far - don't expect them to be able to do much around the house - you'll see them every now and then - and be sure to schedule your dates weeks in advance so that you are able to have time together. The good news is that they said he won't be TOO busy until the middle of October - then don't expect to see him much until finals are over. 

We had a fun experience at the bookstore this week when we went to pick up Dan's first semester of books... over $1000 later we had some really good weights and a workout carrying them around. Dan was able to get his 'Idaho Law' shirt which makes him feel cool - as he should. 

I am finally starting to know my way around the town. It's not very big so there isn't tons to learn. We have a WinCo here which is where I've done my grocery shopping. In comparison to the other stores it is a steal. 

I crashed a law student campus tour the other day with Dan, and so we pretty much have the campus sorted out. Its hard to miss it with the 36 fraternity and sorority houses lined up with horrible music blasting from every crack. All of the girls run around in clothes that are too tight and too revealing for their bodies. The guys strut around with no shirt but always have a beer in their hand, like somehow they think that is attractive. 

This on campus stuff is really weird to me. I swear every person I've seen so far, male and female, is on the PROWL! The mammal instincts are kicking in and the males feel the need to spread their seed wherever and whenever possible. I am so glad that I am coming to college already married so I don't have to worry about any of it. 

The down side to the married housing - is the children screaming and crying all hours of the day. We don't have air conditioning so we've been keeping all of our windows opened - which amplifies the heinous sounds. There are quite a few elementary aged kids there that play in this grassy area in the back of our apartment. I am so glad that I am not 8 years old again! What a hard time of life when you are trying to establish your self identity away from your parents and all of the other kids are so rude. I remember how hard that was for me - and I'm glad I don't have to do that again. 

Well now I'm just rambling about nonsense to avoid getting in the shower and having to start tackling the rest of my to do list. 


  1. Sounds like an adventure for sure! I am glad you're making the most of it. Good luck with the boxes!

  2. I wouldn't mind being 8 again, as long as I didn't have to go through being 15 again. :)

  3. GASP!! That pile of newspaper and other detritus that you used for packing. WOW!!! Did you fill the dumpster? Glad you're settling in. I'm sure the "mating rituals" will settle down once school really starts. I dunno..... Sounds pretty amusing to me. And, for the record, I wouldn't go back to anything earlier than say....... mmmmmm...... 25. But only armed with the wisdom and knowledge I have so painfully acquired. haha

  4. My poor Rachael,
    Not as quiet as the heart of Draper huh? You will get used to it all. Have you started school yet? I'll bet you cant wait. What classes are you taking? I am so glad to be out of school. I love my new job at the VA...I get paid a bunch per hour but I dont work enough hours yet! Audra is doing well. She is adjusting and seems to like Juan Diego now! Keep me posted....I miss you and love you!!!
