Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cold Weather = A Cold

Cold Weather = A Cold ... or a viral infection to be more specific. 

Every year just like clockwork when the cold weather comes everyone seems to get sick. Luckily this year cold weather means rain instead of snow - I know the snow will come eventually but until then I will not miss scraping my car. (Have fun with that all of you in Utah!)

I've been fortunate so far - only a few days feeling under the weather with nothing too serious. Dan on the other hand has been a little less fortunate. I guess thats the price you pay when you are cooped up in Law School all day long with a bunch of wannabe lawyers. After much convincing and a missed day of school, Dan finally agreed to see a doctor. The result was rx for cough syrup with codeine and rest - no rocket science here - I could have told him that. I guess my signature on a little piece of paper doesn't mean much though. 

So we stocked up on lemons to make warm lemon-honey-water and cough drops. (If you haven't tried the lemon-honey-water then you are missing it because it is a lifesaver.)

Its funny how one detail can change your perspective on a situation. Normally, I am VERY annoyed by snoring - and Dan hardly ever snores. But the past few nights I have felt a sense of relief if I hear Dan snoring, because I know he has finally fallen asleep, and is sleeping well. 

Like clockwork it came and like clockwork it will go - hopefully sooner than later.


  1. Isn't it annoying how all the other law students go to school when they're deathly ill and expose your husband to all sorts of unpleasantness? I pump Adam full of Airborne and load him up with hand sanitizer when this season comes around, hoping that the extra vitamins and clean hands will keep him from getting sick. Tell Dan we hope he feels better soon!

  2. Thanks for taking such good care of my boy!!!
