It was so good to see most of our friends and family. Its amazing how much four months can make you miss people. Some of the trips highlights ...
Surprising both of Dan's parent's who didn't know we were coming. I think we were close to giving JoAnn a heart attack.
Getting a rock stuck in my breaks - Dan had to pull my wheel off and fish it out.. but the repair was minor compared to the worrying it caused me.
Sushi with my bff... SO GOOD...
...ALMOST as good as Thanksgiving dinner. The best food ever! I will never be able to live up to this level of cooking in my life time, and I am okay with that because I get to eat it while it lasts.
Unfortunately no food can live up to the satisfaction that comes from spending time with our families. I love all of them - especially my niece who decided to climb on the table and rock out for us!
All in all it was the best time I've had in a long time.. I am so glad we were able to come and make it there and back safe.
<Insert one complaint here. Idaho does NOT know how to take care of their roads. Their idea of plowing is to throw rocks down on the ice. Not the best method I've ever seen - my car's paint dents can attest to this.>
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