Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Working Hard or Hardly Working? .. Working Hard!

Today completed day two of the new job, and its been great so far. It feels so weird to be working again. I definitely miss sleeping in until 9 everyday. I'm not going to lie, working in the Registrar's office isn't the most exciting or challenging job I've ever had, but I am loving it. If they haven't kicked me out yet, then my chances are looking good.  :)

One of my favorite parts of the job is that it is so close to our house. I literally work two and a half blocks away. There is nothing like sunshine and a stroll in 10 degrees to wake you up on your lunch hour. I'm just hoping the snow will go away soon so I can start wearing some of my cute shoes again! 

I've forgotten how little time you have when you work full time. For the past six months spending an hour or two on dinner and dessert was no big deal, now poor Dan is lucky if I make anything vs. throwing a frozen pizza in the oven. Thank God for Freschetta. So other than the fact that the house is getting exponentially messier, the dishes usually aren't done, and dinners have been downgraded - I'm loving it! 


  1. No worries. You will get into a rhythm soon enough, and keeping up in both venues will get easier. (Don't use me as a model, though.) I'm glad it's going well. I've been thinking of you two.....

  2. Sounds like a Crock Pot could be your new best friend... :)
