How can you not love a cat that sits in cardboard boxes all day long? I have no idea what his fascination with it is. We happened upon his obsession by accident. I had thrown a large cardboard box in the corner by our stairs. I was going to disassemble it and save it for moving. Well Punkin fell in love, and the box is still there. I look like a homeless person with three empty cardboard boxes laying around my living room.
How could you not love an adorable animal that sits like this? I have no idea how it is comfortable.
Gargoyle cat! How can you not love gargoyle cat? He has been very lovable lately if you couldn't tell. And now I'm turning into that old lady that is obsessed with her cat because she doesn't have kids. But enjoy it while you can, because once I have kids you know I'll be a mommy blogger. And there is nothing wrong with that. :D
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