Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The past two days I have been in a funk, or should I say FUNK. 
I have no idea why but I have been extremely irritable and angry over nothing. I woke up today enraged and angry up to my eye balls. 

Who wakes up angry? 

My poor husband has tried so hard not to say the wrong thing or get in my way. 
Last night I was too pissy to make dinner, he went and bought dinner. 
Today I came home on my lunch to find...


I feel like a horrible person. But the moral of the story is if you act like a brat your husband will buy you a rose as a peace offering. Poor guy!

I'm trying so hard to pull out of this funk. If something doesn't give soon I think I'm going to change my birth control. I've heard that some brands have this effect on some people. This doesn't seem plausible for me because I've been on the same pill for almost two years. 


I'm thinking the cure could be a vacation!


  1. Hey! This is Liana... I was on a certain birth control for over a year. Then all the sudden it was like a switch was flipped! I went CAAARRRRAAAZZZYYY!!!! I was mean, angry, moody, grumpy, (no sex drive all the sudden), irritable.... etc! I went to the doctor and switched brands and after a couple weeks I FELT so much better!! It was amazing and I felt like a new person! If you think it could be the birth control, switch it! It's worth it! :) Good luck!!

  2. I'm of the opinion that a vacation helps everything. :)

  3. We all have days like that on occasion. I'm happy to hear that my son is a true gentleman. It is SO obvious that he loves you -- and well he should. You are a wonderful wife!
