Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Anyone who hasn't tried Organix hair products, should! They have very literally transformed my hair, I used to have the driest - frizzy hair. Now it is silky. Alright enough with the cheeseball testimonial. (If you don't believe me, look online. Their line has been featured everywhere.)

They are...

  • All organic and many of the formulas are free from sulfate, paraban, or sodium.
  • Smell INCREDIBLE. 
  • Safe for colored hair (Like mine)

Here are all the formulas I have so far.

Cherry Blossom Ginseng
Moroccan Argan Oil
Mandarin Olive Oil
Brazilian Keratin Therapy

Normally they are pretty pricey, but if you watch Walgreen's ads they have them buy one get one free every few months. 


  1. I have the coconut kind, and LOVE the smell of it, but the conditioner simply doesn't work for me. My hair is dry and crispy after I use it unless I supplement with another conditioner. Have the conditioners worked for you? Maybe I need to try a different one...

  2. I noticed an ad in Walmart for them and was going to go buy some and try it, but I didn't get there. Grrrr..

  3. Kate - The leave in conditioners or treatments are what has helped my hair the most. Try one of the oils. The Moroccan one is my fav.
