Friday, June 24, 2011

June 24th 2009

June 24th 2009. I remember that day more vividly than almost any other day in my life. I remember exactly what I wore, and how my hair was curled and pulled up into a bun. I remember the problem we had at work with a certain web service failing. I can remember the gut wrenching feeling I had while I worried if my mom would answer the door - my very first iPhone was scheduled to be delivered. Murphy's Law stepped in - she didn't answer the door and my glorious phone sat in Provo. It was 5:00. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal and I wouldn't think twice about driving down and picking it up, but I was supposed to be somewhere. This was the day that I had my first date with Dan. 

Of course, I was over an hour late because not only did I go to Provo to get my phone, I had to go home and activate it. The initial plan was to meet at Beans n Brew for coffee at 6:30. Because I was so late they were closed. We met at the Harmon's parking lot off I-15 and Bangerter Highway. Dan was smart, and drove his Harley. How can a girl not love a good looking man on a Harley? I never had a chance. Dan was wearing a tee-shirt that had a robot and money fighting on it (still isn't my favorite shirt), True Religion jeans, and his high-top Converse shoes. 

I felt horrible that he had waited so long for me, but I couldn't help feeling proud of my new "iPhone user" status. Dan suggested that we go and have coffee at Harmon's, but the proposal came with a hesitant warning, "My brother works here, so you'll have to meet him." I've never been the shy one, so we marched on in to Harmon's. 

I did the horrible, “I’ll have what you’re having.” cop out. Dylan whipped us up some amazing frozen mocha-coco something and we sat down at the barstools. At first I thought Dan was doing a weird voice to throw me off. He voice is so low in person, and didn’t sound like that on the phone. After a half hour I realized that he probably wasn’t pulling a fast one on me – and he was legit. 

We sat there and talked for two hours. I was amazed at how easy it was to talk to him, and I was shocked that I was able find someone who was intelligent, logical and witty who felt the exact same way as I did when it came to important things like religion, politics and family.

I’m not going to lie and say it was love at first sight because it wasn’t, what our relationship bloomed into is so much more than can be conveyed in one look. But, I was intrigued at first sight and overwhelmingly pleased to know that there were still a few decent human beings out there. I still remember the intense sense of relief that came from our first date, and how refreshing it was to have an intellectual conversation.

When I left I knew that I’d see him again. The second date is when he really won me heart, but I’ll save that story for another post. 

Its been exactly two years to the day. Tonight’s plan? Coffee and conversation…


  1. What a great story! I'm glad you are so happy together.

  2. Awww. That brought tears to my eyes. I'm so glad you met and that you are part of our family. You know, you met on M & M's anniversary date. Today is their 65th wedding anniversary. Know that you are loved! Thanks for the post.
