Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Setting the Bar High ...

When I got married, I married into a family that set the bar extremely high when it comes to baking or cooking. I mean, these people can cook! So naturally I am intimidated whenever I have to bring something to a dinner. I usually go the path of least resistance, and buy some artisan bread from Harmons.

Tonight I am happy to report that I cooked a really good dinner. I've never cooked a turkey before, and I had no intentions of doing so until I saw that it was $0.40/lb. at Winco. How could you turn that down?

The preparation of a whole turkey is disgusting. I felt like I had to break it's leg to get inside and fish everything out. Pulling the skin back to put the rub on wasn't exactly enjoyable either.

Here is the before pic..

..and here is the after..

I am so happy with the way it turned out. I was so nervous because I didn't follow a recipe for the seasoning - and now I'm wishing I had written down everything I used because it was tasty.

Of coarse a bird isn't complete without ..

The best stuffing in the world! I will never use another recipe for stuffing in my entire life. This family recipe is to die for.

I guess in a way this was a bit of a second Thanksgiving - just miniaturized. These past few weeks have been a roller coaster ride of emotions, and I've hit the part where you pull into the station and you're so glad to be back on solid ground.

As many of you know I am not going into my 6th month of being unemployed and that has been more difficult than I could have imagined. I never thought that it would be hard for me to find a job, I have always been an exceptional worker and have had nothing but rave reviews from my bosses. The problem is that there are NO jobs. Even if you find a job you know you'd be good at, there are a million people applying. I'm apparently over qualified to work at Ross and Macy's because they both turned me down to sell clothes. But, I'm not good enough to get employed in an office or at the university.

Now that I'm in month 6, my state benefits are almost all gone, and the extended benefits from the Federal Government have expired. For the past week I have been obsessively checking every news app on my phone to see the latest news, praying that I'll check it soon and see that the extension has been passed. Lucky for me, it looks like it is going to go through. For a week or two I was freaking out, applying for every and any job within 50 miles, and hoping someone would offer me a job.

Even though I don't agree with extending the tax cuts for the rich, I can't express my gratitude to know that I will have a few bucks coming in until I can secure a job. That means my car won't have to miss a payment, the apartment will remain heated, and I can keep some food in the fridge. This is such a contrast from where I was a year ago, but the experience has defiantly humbled me.

Today Dan took his first final for law school, and happily reported that it was as torturous as some students have reported. One down and three more to go this semester. If anyone wants a crash coarse about dealing with stressful situations in your first year of marriage, just send your spouse to law school. It has been interesting to see the changes in him. I can't even watch a random tv show or commercial without some tort or contracts law coming up - but I love it.

Yesterday, Dan and I watched the broadcast of the hearing for Prop 8 in California. The most interesting part wasn't on the tv - it was in Dan's reaction to the tv. His face lights up every time they do something wrong. Its hilarious, he is going to make a great lawyer.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Giving Thanks

Dan and I were so lucky to be able to go down to Utah for Thanksgiving. We didn't think we'd be able to make it with his work load and the weather. The weather decided to cooperate just enough for us to make it, but still put us through hours of snow torture going 30 mph. 

It was so good to see most of our friends and family. Its amazing how much four months can make you miss people. Some of the trips highlights ...

Surprising both of Dan's parent's who didn't know we were coming. I think we were close to giving JoAnn a heart attack.

Getting a rock stuck in my breaks - Dan had to pull my wheel off and fish it out.. but the repair was minor compared to the worrying it caused me.

Sushi with my bff... SO GOOD...

...ALMOST as good as Thanksgiving dinner. The best food ever! I will never be able to live up to this level of cooking in my life time, and I am okay with that because I get to eat it while it lasts.

Unfortunately no food can live up to the satisfaction that comes from spending time with our families. I love all of them - especially my niece who decided to climb on the table and rock out for us!

All in all it was the best time I've had in a long time.. I am so glad we were able to come and make it there and back safe.

<Insert one complaint here. Idaho does NOT know how to take care of their roads. Their idea of plowing is to throw rocks down on the ice. Not the best method I've ever seen - my car's paint dents can attest to this.>

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Look who was ahead of the times..

So everyone is talking about how Prince William purposed to his fiance with his mother's sapphire engagement ring.  When Princess Diana picked the sapphire ring, sales of sapphires skyrocketed. Now that the ring is back in the spotlight, many think sapphires will come "back in style"


Sapphires have always been beautiful! That is why I picked an ice-blue sapphire for my ring. Look who was ahead of the times... 


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I was right!

Yesterday right after I blogged about breaking the knife this happened...

I cracked the joint in my lemon squeezer and it broke off :( 

Luckily, I can try to exchange this one at Bed Bath and Beyond. 

I still can't believe all of this is happening. I must be REAL strong. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

I am ... the HULK

This morning I was making Dan's lunch, and while I was cutting the cheese for his sandwich this happened...

so much for Stainless Steel! I broke the knife in half while cutting cheese! 

Maybe today is my lucky day - I better go buy a lotto ticket. 

Monday, November 8, 2010


A blessing or a curse? 

For the majority of America I am assuming this is a curse. 

For me it was quite the opposite really. I was working for a company that I classified as a "sinking ship." Working crazy hours on salary and it was demanded because "in this economy you are replaceable." I had a hard time focusing on work with the thoughts of an upcoming wedding and move for Dan's law school. Being laid off was a blessing because it allowed me to still receive some income while I finished wedding plans and set off on an adventure to Idaho. 

Being unemployed after working for years is a feeling that I can only classify as weird. A wave of different emotions crash in on a regular basis. At first I loved being unemployed. I loved having the summer off of work and responsibilities to spend time relaxing and having fun with Dan. I loved the fact that I had enough money coming in to scrape by, and that I could plan a wedding in one month. I was busy with the all of the major life changes that took place in a matter of months - anyone who has ever moved out of state can understand the enormous task. I had been consistently looking and applying for jobs along the way, but I secretly hoped that none of them would call me back. Occasionally I would have some fear and anxiety about really finding a job, but because I didn't need one immediately I'd suppress those feelings and soon enough they'd go away and I was right back to enjoying my time off. 

Today a wave of ANXIETY hit like a ton of bricks. I am just starting month five of my unemployment and with the recent election that means I have about 7 weeks until I am high and dry of income, unless by some miracle congress extends the unemployment benefits - which they are proud to take away. 

The job search in Moscow, Idaho is far more challenging than I had ever imagined. The two universities are the major employers within a 70 mile radius. Getting a university to look twice at my resume has proven impossible. I found a job listing the other day for a ticket clerk at the sporting events that would start at $12/hour but REQUIRED a bachelors degree. Are you kidding me? You want me to go to school for four years to be qualified to take tickets at a football game!

I've read a few articles recently about how the unemployment rate for individuals in their 20's is much higher than the national average. This article is always quickly accompanied by articles talking about the college graduates that can't get a job even with their recent degree.

Whats a girl like me to do? No degree. Two and a half years experience in project management for software development (which is almost a foreign term in this rural community). Going to school is an option that I have explored extensively, I was even enrolled for classes this fall - but out of state tuition is crazy and money isn't easy to come by.

All I know is that I have control over a few things. Many things I cannot control at all. 

Today I'm going to get up, put my right foot in front of my left foot, take my left foot and put it in front of my right, and repeat because that is all I can do..

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween - A Therapist's Favorite Holiday

Maybe I am being a bit dramatic, likely caused by the fact that I am not feeling very well today. This year especially I can't help but to be repulsed by Halloween. I have come to the conclusion that it must be a therapist's favorite holiday. Not only do death and mortality issues come creeping to the surface, but it the one night a year where every girl with daddy issues feels the need to slut it up. They are walking bull's eyes. If anyone out there wants to go into therapy - you could get an entire patient base by handing out your business cards to all of the "sexy" doctors, nurses or cops that invade society on this god-forsaken night. 

I fully support the children under the age of 12 in their Halloween endeavors. They are more than welcome to come to my door and take away left over candy from our wedding, but I can't logically find any reason as to why grown adults feel the need to dress up character or a professional that they could never amount to in real life.

If you've read this far, then bless your heart for listening to my cynical ranting for as long as you did and Happy Halloween.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Cold Weather = A Cold

Cold Weather = A Cold ... or a viral infection to be more specific. 

Every year just like clockwork when the cold weather comes everyone seems to get sick. Luckily this year cold weather means rain instead of snow - I know the snow will come eventually but until then I will not miss scraping my car. (Have fun with that all of you in Utah!)

I've been fortunate so far - only a few days feeling under the weather with nothing too serious. Dan on the other hand has been a little less fortunate. I guess thats the price you pay when you are cooped up in Law School all day long with a bunch of wannabe lawyers. After much convincing and a missed day of school, Dan finally agreed to see a doctor. The result was rx for cough syrup with codeine and rest - no rocket science here - I could have told him that. I guess my signature on a little piece of paper doesn't mean much though. 

So we stocked up on lemons to make warm lemon-honey-water and cough drops. (If you haven't tried the lemon-honey-water then you are missing it because it is a lifesaver.)

Its funny how one detail can change your perspective on a situation. Normally, I am VERY annoyed by snoring - and Dan hardly ever snores. But the past few nights I have felt a sense of relief if I hear Dan snoring, because I know he has finally fallen asleep, and is sleeping well. 

Like clockwork it came and like clockwork it will go - hopefully sooner than later.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October .. October

October is one of my favorite months. It is full of falling leaves, candy corn, and home-made chili with cornbread. It has been a a full month so far, Dan had his first mid-terms and I've ambitiously started a million sewing projects. The sewing had an interesting start due to the fact that the presser foot lifter on my machine broke off and I had to scour the internet to find parts dealers - and the only one out of 15 that had it in stock. Then I had the joy of paying more for shipping than the actual part. Fail. The best part of all was finding out how to take apart the entire machine, replace the part, and put it all back together without a manual. I must have been inspired by the recent season of 'Project Runway' - the finale is tonight!!! I am so excited.

Marriage has surprised me in a few ways - every day it seems like I am getting a little more and more like my mom. - A thought that a few years ago would have terrified me, but now it feels more like an honor.  One of my favorite childhood memories was when my mom made me a dress that matched a pair of shorts my dad had. I loved my little homemade outfits, I can't wait until I can do that for my kids.

Along with the day to day projects October is full of a bunch of Birthdays. My mom, Dan, my brother - Robbie and some of my close friends. I have never made a big deal about my mom's birthday before, but being away from home this year has really opened my eyes to how much I love and miss my family. I have one of the most amazing women in the world as a mom. She is the hardest worker that I've ever know, and she isn't scared to get down and dirty to get things done. She is the kind of woman that isn't scared to rip out a toilet to fix a clog. I believe she is singlehandedly responsible for my love of logic. When I was little and came to her with a problem, she wouldn't just give me the answer like most moms. She would walk me through problem solving steps. I know this sounds like normal parenting - but as I've grown up I have come across more and more adults that don't know how to problem solve!!!!

Dan turned 25 on his first birthday apart from his family, so I did what his family would do - filled him with a bunch of food. I made his favorite dinner of baby back ribs and followed it up with a hearty serving of German Chocolate cake. - My solo rendition of 'Happy Birthday' was rather pathetic, but it's the thought that counts.

I spent the evening yesterday pulling out all of my coats and sweaters and packing up sundresses and tanktops - an exchange I make very happily. I love boots, scarves and hoodies. Fall is my favorite time of year, good food, comfy clothes and an excuse to cuddle with my husband. I wish every month was October.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Today is ...

Today is Tuesday September 21, 2010.

Today is the 79th anniversary of when Britain went off the gold standard.

Today is the last day of summer.

Today is Bill Murray's birthday.

Today is the day that I've been married for two months!

and a good day it is.

Friday, September 10, 2010


What was that sound? .. There! There it was again! I walked into the living room and found my cat fast asleep, and snoring. 

Keep in mind this is after I spent the morning rescuing him from behind the washer and dryer..

My cat, Punkin, is a lot of things; wired, obsessed with straws, a pain in the butt, and sometimes he can even be sweet. My history with this cat goes way back to a time when I had no one in the world. He was the only thing there when I came home to my empty one bedroom apartment. 

When I started dating Dan and found out that he was allergic to cats, I told him to not make me choose between him and Punkin - because I'd choose my cat. 

My cat is not a normal cat. I have never met an animal with as much personality in my entire life. First off, he is obsessed with straws.  If you bring a drink home and it has a straw, he will stalk it until you are done. Just the sound of a straw dragging across the carpet with wake him from anywhere in the hose and have him within two feet in a matter of seconds. 

It might be a coincidence, but Punkin is also obsessed with shoes. He loves to lay on shoes, especially if they are Dan's boat sized shoes.  

When I found out that Dan and I were moving to Idaho, naturally I was worried. Dan is not deathly allergic - but who wants to live with a sore throat and congestion for the rest of their life? I did some research and found a bunch of things I can do to minimize the allergens. I have a vacuum with HEPA filters, we keep him out of the bedroom, I use allergen reducing Pledge surface cleaner when I dust, I brush the cat on a regular basis, and I rub him with a solution that neutralizes the allergens in his fur. Luckily, the combination of all of this seems to have worked well. 

I didn't expect Dan to bond with Punkin because Dan doesn't share my fondness of pets and he is physically repulsed by them. I was surprised when I found Dan playing on the stairs with him for a half hour, and shocked when I heard him say, "He is pretty adorable."

I love my husband more than anything in the world, and I could have never imagined the warm fuzzy feeling I get when I see him playing my cat.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Spoiled Rotten Wife

Last week Dan and I made a trip to Bed Bath and Beyond to get some of the remaining items of our wedding registry. One slap chop, a griddle, and a bunch of other cooking gadgets later I was a spoiled wife!

Yesterday I became a spoiled rotten wife! I got our brand new washer and dryer installed! Tears of joy run down my face because I do not have to face that AWFUL laundry mat ever again! 

As if that wasn't enough - then we picked up our new microwave from Sears. Technology is amazing. My favorite two buttons on the microwave - "Less" and "More". Whoever thought of taking away and adding time to an item in the microwave WHILE it is still cooking is a genius in my book! Plus, I no longer have to melt butter in my oven! 

Oh yeah - check out my stellar pink countertops. <vomit> That was horrible decision made by University Housing. 

Friday, August 20, 2010

My Husband

Chances are that Dan won't be too thrilled with this post because he doesn't like being in the center of attention. But, I apologize because I think this is something worth sharing. In this fast paced world it is becoming harder and harder to find individuals who are willing to help complete strangers. 

A few days ago Dan invited me to crash his law student tour of the campus, so I tagged along. It was a very hot day, somewhere in the 90s and I was already sweating from the short walk to meet the tour group. I was dreading the next hour because the campus is filled with many steep hills, and I knew it was going to be exhausting. Within 100 feet of starting the tour we saw a woman in a wheel chair. She was a very heavy set woman, she was missing one foot, and I could tell that she had numerous medical problems.  The woman was trying to push herself up a hill. Instantly, I recognized that she needed some help, but didn't immediately do anything.  I was waiting to see if any of the men from the tour group would stop to help her.  Every single person from the tour group passed by the woman without acknowledging that she even existed, everyone except Dan. 

Without hesitation he walked right up to her and asked her if she needed help. She replied that she needed to get from the bottom of this hill to her apartment at the very top. Dan grabbed the back of her chair and began pushing. A block later the tour stopped to inform us of some useless information about the many sororities and fraternities that were on campus. Dan stopped along side us for a moment to let me know he would take her up the hill and then find us when he was done. 

I stood there watching him. His calves were fully flexed as he used every bit of strength he had to push this woman up a hill, something that would have been impossible for her to do on her own. Dan stopped a few times to catch his breath, but within moments of stopping, he had resumed up this never ending obstacle. I was instantly overcome with a sense of pride. Out of all the capable people on our tour, including the two tour guides, my husband was the only one to even acknowledge the woman who was so clearly suffering. Then he did something about it.

Eventually, the tour continued and I trekked up the hill. As I felt the sweat roll down my forehead all I could think about was how hard Dan was working to help this stranger, and no one in the tour seemed to even notice he had continued on. We saw a few more buildings, and heard a few more "interesting facts". A library here, a commons building there. Five or ten minuets had past and I was starting to worry, like I always do, that Dan was still no where to be seen. After a few more minutes Dan appeared. He was dripping with sweat and clearly out of breath. The tour continued. 

On the way back to our apartment I told Dan how proud I was of him. He replied, "She needed the help. She can't be out here in this heat trying to go up a hill. She would get a heart attack or heat exhaustion." The woman had told Dan that because the school year hadn't started yet the University was running the busses on a very limited schedule. If the woman had not been able to make it up that one large hill she would have had to go all the way around the entire campus at a lower incline for miles and miles to be able to make it to her apartment. 

This broke my heart. I couldn't believe that she didn't have any friends, family or staff that she could ask for help. 
I told Dan again how proud I was of him, and that no one else even noticed. He replied, "It was the right thing to do."

To Dan and the rest of the world, this was a small insignificant event - no big deal. It won't go down in history books, and it won't be featured on the evening news, but to the woman he helped, this no big deal made the world of difference, but I can't help but wonder if I am the person who received the most out of this small act of kindness. 

I received the gift of love, a deeper love for my husband, when I didn't think it was possible to love him any more. All because he is the type of good hearted person that is so rare in this world. Every time I think about it I fall a little bit more in love with him. 

The best part about this experience is that I was able to witness a miracle.   

A miracle in a time where they are so hard to find.   

A miracle that stopped me in my tracks, humbled me, and made me realize that there are more important things in life than my class schedule or the fact that we need a microwave.   

A miracle because it was "the right thing to do". 

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Unpacking, unpacking, cleaning - and unpacking.

The past few days in Moscow have been busy with you guessed it, unpacking, cleaning and some more unpacking. 

While it has been a bit overwhelming, the big stuff like the kitchen and living room are done. It makes a world of difference for when you need a spoon to just open the drawer and see it there vs. searching though 20 boxes. 

Yesterday was a particularly hard day for me. It was the kind of day that was out of sorts from the time I woke up until I went to bed. Its hard being in such a small town with no friends and family. I know that once school starts, that it will get easier. 

I'm so glad that we brought Punkin with us. I know a lot of people aren't pet people, and thats okay. For me it just makes the world of difference to have someone here during the day that needs me, can make me laugh, and is waiting at the door every time you come home. My cat has more personality in his tail that some people have in their entire body. It has been so amazing to see how Dan is interacting with him as well. Dan is someone that doesn't consider himself to be a 'pet person' and he is also allergic to cats. Regardless, Dan can't help but to be amused with this miniature tiger that is flipping over a straw to try to get it out of a corner. 

Speaking of Dan his school is going well. I've been able to attend a few events with him. On Monday night they held a reception - honestly - pretty boring, but it was fun to be able to be a part of it with him. Last night they held what they called a 'Partner Panel' where second and third year couples talked about what to expect with a spouse in law school. Pretty much exactly what I had heard so far - don't expect them to be able to do much around the house - you'll see them every now and then - and be sure to schedule your dates weeks in advance so that you are able to have time together. The good news is that they said he won't be TOO busy until the middle of October - then don't expect to see him much until finals are over. 

We had a fun experience at the bookstore this week when we went to pick up Dan's first semester of books... over $1000 later we had some really good weights and a workout carrying them around. Dan was able to get his 'Idaho Law' shirt which makes him feel cool - as he should. 

I am finally starting to know my way around the town. It's not very big so there isn't tons to learn. We have a WinCo here which is where I've done my grocery shopping. In comparison to the other stores it is a steal. 

I crashed a law student campus tour the other day with Dan, and so we pretty much have the campus sorted out. Its hard to miss it with the 36 fraternity and sorority houses lined up with horrible music blasting from every crack. All of the girls run around in clothes that are too tight and too revealing for their bodies. The guys strut around with no shirt but always have a beer in their hand, like somehow they think that is attractive. 

This on campus stuff is really weird to me. I swear every person I've seen so far, male and female, is on the PROWL! The mammal instincts are kicking in and the males feel the need to spread their seed wherever and whenever possible. I am so glad that I am coming to college already married so I don't have to worry about any of it. 

The down side to the married housing - is the children screaming and crying all hours of the day. We don't have air conditioning so we've been keeping all of our windows opened - which amplifies the heinous sounds. There are quite a few elementary aged kids there that play in this grassy area in the back of our apartment. I am so glad that I am not 8 years old again! What a hard time of life when you are trying to establish your self identity away from your parents and all of the other kids are so rude. I remember how hard that was for me - and I'm glad I don't have to do that again. 

Well now I'm just rambling about nonsense to avoid getting in the shower and having to start tackling the rest of my to do list. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

First Blog!

First off I want to apologize. I am not a blogger, I have never blogged, and I think that I've read maybe three blog posts my entire life. So I'm winging this. With the recent move to Moscow, Idaho I thought that this would be a good way to stay in touch with the family. 

This past week has been an adventure to say the least. It took all of our available energy to pack up our stuff, load it into the 24 ft. moving truck, drive 15 hours at 65 mph and unload it all into our 800 sq. ft. apartment. We could have never done it without all of the help from our friends and family, especially KC and my mom so thank all of you very much!!

Once we arrived in Moscow we unloaded the cars, and took Dan's car off the trailer so that we could unload the big truck. Once we got the trailer unhooked from the truck (which is not as easy as it sounds) the moving truck started, but would not move. After a few calls to the moving company and their mechanics we got some people out here after an hour and some much needed rest (at this point we were about 30 hours with no sleep). While we were waiting Dan had the joy of jumpstarting his Harley for the first time. Good thing my mom and KC were here to help. I have never jumped anything and Dan was so nervous to damage the bike, but it fired right up with a little bit of help. The mechanics sprayed something into the engine of the moving truck and we able to finally get it to move. At this point we got it up to the apartment and the real fun began of unloading on no sleep. 

Dan has mentioned multiple times during this process his desire to sell all of our large furniture before we move again, and just purchase new furniture when we get where we are going, at this point I couldn't agree more. For being newlyweds we sure do have SO many things; a sectional, an entertainment center, two queen mattress sets, dressers, kitchen table and chairs, a motorcycle, three pedal bikes, oh yeah and two tvs - one 42 in. and the other 32 in. Good grief! That isn't even including all of the wedding presents or cookware. 

The apartment is surprising in pretty good condition. The carpets are horrible, but it is almost impossible to rent an apartment with decent carpet. All the the light are florescent and flicker for a few seconds before they turn on - not the easiest thing on the eyes in the early morning. We do have central air, however, it doesn't seem to be very efficient. We keep the windows open at night and it gets down to a nice 65 degrees, but during the day it can't keep up with the heat, so I am sitting here just after noon in an uncomfortable 81 degrees. Luckily, it should start to cool down here soon. 

I am so glad that Dan is so handy, he was able to change our shower from the worst excuse for a pressurized shower to a fire hose in less than a few minuets. Totally worth the $20 and whatever additional water we will waste from having the flow regulators removed. 

We brought my cat, Punkin, with us. That was an interesting drive, thank goodness my mom has some extra sedatives from my sister's dog. He has made himself right at home. I have moved with him a few times before and it always takes a few days for him to feel comfortable. Not here! Within a few hours he was already climbing in all of the windows and racing up and down the stairs. This morning before Dan went to his first day of orientation he sat for a good five or ten minuets just laughing at Punkin while he chased his straw and ran around the apartment. 

Overall, this has been a really good experience. Everything has found a way of just working out, and we've been so lucky. It will be interesting living so far from our friends and family, but hopefully this blog will help all of us stay in touch. We miss all of you so much already! 

Now if I could just stop procrastinating the unpacking and get registered for my classes! Wish me luck!